The Nissui Group regards human capital as one of the most important factor in improving its corporate value. Through its business activities, the Group strives to create opportunities to leverage its diverse human capital, of different genders, nationalities and ages, to maximum effect, giving rise to innovation, organizational motivation and creation of value. As employees help and challenge each other to improve, we aim to develop them as human capital capable of grappling vigorously with social issues both global and local. At the same time, the Group is working to furnish workplaces, programs and other elements of the working environment that enable its employees to work with peace of mind and high motivation.
Nissui offers employees a full slate of educational and training programs, so they can continuously improve themselves from initial placement to final retirement, according to their roles, positions, ages and other factors. The seminar for new employees is followed up by a series of training sessions. Supervisors and educational staff provide on-the-job training, level-based training and correspondence education, aiming to impart knowledge and skills employees need to reach higher positions as defined in the organizational hierarchy. The Group implements selective education to prepare for succession, career training set according to each age group, duty-specific training to enhance specialized capabilities and other educational and training opportunities. Beginning in fiscal 2023, the Group is also focusing on DX training.
Recognizing that organizational growth relies on self-direction and action by each and every employee, Nissui has been implementing various personnel policies based on our “Independence and Autonomy” policy. Nissui actively supports independent career design through initiatives such as the “Career Declaration System,” in which employees discuss their career aspirations with their supervisors and explore concrete support measures provided by Nissui to achieve their career goals, and regular training programs designed to help employees envision their future careers. Additionally, Nissui provides opportunities for employees to independently take on new challenges through programs such as the “Gathering Ideas Internally for New Business Ventures,” where employees can proactively volunteer for new roles.
Starting in FY2022, we introduced “Job Rotation for Career Development,” which proactively facilitates developmental transfers during an employee's first ten years with the company. This program aims to develop young employees by broadening their perspectives and expanding their range of work experience while enhancing their adaptability to change through diverse experiences.
To evaluate personnel, Nissui has introduced a system called MBO (Note). Twice a year, on a regular schedule, interviews to align objectives and interviews to assess performance are carried out. These evaluations are used not only as an evidential basis for conducting fair evaluations and appropriate placement (transfers, promotions, etc.), but (among other uses) as an evaluation process for developing human capital. By using MBO to align organizational goals with employees’ personal goals, Nissui aims to motivate individual employees to achieve objectives, thereby boosting both personal growth and organizational performance.
(Note): MBO is an abbreviation for Management by objectives & self control.
The Nissui Group identifies human capital with top-management potential and cultivates the individuals from an early stage. We do this by assigning these personnel to a series of positions within Nissui, seconding them to other Group companies, and actively dispatching them to Group companies, including companies overseas. Similarly, we develop human capital at Group companies through secondment to Nissui. We clarify the skills and other requirements expected of candidates for the next generation of section managers in each business. Aiming to establish a pool of worthy candidates, every year the Group convenes a succession conference, in which executives and members of the Human Resources Department deliberate on the human-capital pool and plans for cultivating candidates. In fiscal 2023, in addition to discussions on succession for executive officers and department managers, we began initiatives aimed at the strategic development of successors for the CEO and executive management.
For younger employees, we implement a development rotation. To raise these employees’ ambitions, broaden their work horizons and strengthen their ability to respond to change, these personnel are provided with experience in multiple businesses and positions. Through interviews and career development meetings, the Group gauges each employee’s career aspirations and assesses each one’s strengths, challenges for personal growth, and aptitude. Decisions on transfers are made by the Human Capital Development Meeting, which is composed of personnel at the director level and above.
Nissui has been implementing the global personnel registry system since 2016. Under this system, global personnel in Nissui are defined as "personnel who can build good relationships with diverse counterparties and yield results in any complex/uncertain business environment in the world," and candidates for global personnel who will play an active role outside Japan in the future are recruited and trained by accepting applications from the general public or through recommendation.
The minimum set of skills required for prospective global personnel are: (i) the ability to create value; (ii) the ability to adapt to different cultures; and (iii) foreign language ability. The system aims to make the candidates acquire such skills by dispatching them to short-term assignments outside Japan, short-term business training programs outside Japan, etc., to train them into personnel suited for assignments outside Japan.Starting in fiscal 2023, Nissui has initiated multiple short-term employee dispatches to overseas Group companies. In addition to enhancing language skills with an eye toward future overseas assignments, the company is expanding programs focused on cross-cultural understanding/cross-cultural management training, continuing to foster steady development.
As of March 31, 2024, 86 individuals are registered with this program. We aim to increase this figure to 90 in fiscal 2024.
Nissui aims to reform the company in line with societal and technological changes through DX and Digital Human Capital Development.
In FY2023, we conducted assessments for all employees to measure their current innovative and digital skills. We are also using e-learning to raise the skill level of all employees to at least basic by FY2024.
Going forward, we will define the roles and skills of DX human capital, select and develop top performers from the assessments, and enable advanced productivity innovations.