Sustainability Targets (Long-Term Vision "Good Foods 2030"/Mid-Term Business Plan "Good Foods Recipe1") and Results

Long-Term Vision Mid-Term Business Plan

In fiscal 2021, the Nissui Group formulated its long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030,” and its mid-term business Plan, “Good Foods Recipe1.” These plans outline the sustainability targets listed below. As it strives to achieve these targets, the Nissui Group is advancing sustainable management that creates value for a sustainable society.

Values/Themes Indicators Scope Results KPIs Details
FY2022 FY2023 Target by 2024
Mid-Term Business Plan
"Good Foods Recipe1"
Target by 2030
Long-Term Vision
"Good Foods 2030"
Social Value Solve health
Sales of designated Health Category Products
(Compared to FY2021)
The Nissui Group 100% 100% Expand by
Expand by
Health and Nutrition Initiatives
Sustainable procurement Ratio of conducting assessments of Tier-1 suppliers The Nissui Group Nissui only
Nissui only
Nissui only
Sustainable Procurement
Value in Human Capital Employee engagement Employee engagement score
(Compared to FY2021)
Nissui Corporation Improved by 1% Improved by 11.6% Improve by 10% Improve by 20% Employee Engagement
Promotion of active
female participation
Ratio of female manager Nissui Corporation 6.8% 6.6% 10% 20% Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Ratio of female executive officers and general managers 3.1% 3.0% 10% -
Employee Health EPA/AA Ratio Nissui Corporation 0.31 0.35 0.6 - Employee Health
Smoking Rate 21.4% 20.0% 15% -
Obesity Rate Male: 34.1%
Female: 20.4%
Male: 34.4%
Female: 18.9%
Male: 30%
Female: 17%
Environmental Value Sustainability of marine
Procurement of
sustainable marine
The Nissui Group-- 80% 100% Sustainability of Marine Resources > Policy and Promotion Framework
Reduction of CO2 emissions CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2)
(Compared to FY2018 
Unit: total amount)
The Nissui Group Reduced by 12.1% Reduced by 6.3% Reduce by 10% Reduce by 30% Reduction of CO2 Emissions​
Reducing Environmental Impact
ESG Data Book > E: Environmental Data
Achieve carbon-neutral in 2050 - - - -
Refrigerant with fluorocarbon-free Japan: Possession of refrigerants with CFC, HCFC
Outside Japan: Companies possessing refrigerants with CFC, HCFC
4/15 companies (Note)
Japan: Possession of refrigerants with CFC, HCFC
Outside Japan: Companies possessing refrigerants with CFC, HCFC
4/15 companies (Note)
- Zero use of refrigerants with CFC, HCFC
Reduction of water usage Water use
(Compared to FY2015
Unit: per unit)
The Nissui Group in Japan Reduced by 4.0% Increased by 1.2% Reduce by 10% Reduce by 20%
Reduction of waste Percentage of plants with 99% or higher zero emission rate The Nissui Group in Japan 78.6% 78.6% 85% 100%
Reduction of food loss and waste Waste from animal and plant residues
(Compared to FY2017
Unit: per unit)
The Nissui Group in Japan Reduced by 21.1% Reduced by 21.1% Reduce by 20% Reduce by 30% Food Loss and Waste
Waste from products
(Compared to FY2020
Unit: total amount)
Nissui Corporation Reduced by 17.6% Reduced by 9.3% - Reduce by 50%
Reduction of plastic emissions Plastic use in containers and packaging
(Compared to FY2015
Unit: per unit)
Nissui Corporation Reduced by 11% Reduced by 9% Reduce by 10% Reduce by 30% Plastic Problems > Policy and Promotion Framework
Plastic waste at the production phase
(Compared to FY2017
Unit: per unit)
The Nissui Group in Japan Reduced by 19.5% Reduced by 16.6% Reduce by 15% Reduce by 30%
Switching over to floats that have a low risk of outflowing into the ocean The Nissui Group 52.4% switch-over completed 71.8% switch-over completed 100% -

(Note) Possession of refrigerants with CFC, HCFC is calculated differently for data from Japan and outside Japan.

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部, 株式会社ニッスイ 人事部人事課