
Approach to and Systems to Ensure Safety and Security


Since its founding, Nissui has been utilizing its unique technology to turn the bounty of the sea into valuable products and to deliver them to its customers. Over the years, what has remained constant is our commitment to "food safety and security." We wish to treasure the "delicious taste" and "freshness" of materials, provide individual consumer with safe and high-quality products and thus helping them to develop healthy, rich eating life style. To gain consumers' confidence and empathy, every member of Nissui's staff will perform his or her duty to maintain product quality and will make every effort to obtain consumers' satisfaction.

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部

Quality Assurance Code

The Nissui Group Quality Assurance Code, based on the concept of quality assurance, sets out quality policies and action guidelines under which the criteria related to quality assurance are regulated, so that all executives and employees take action supporting the same concepts.

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部

Quality Assurance Systems

In order to produce products to the customers’ satisfaction, quality assurance systems are in place, including the Customer Service Center, Quality Assurance Department and Food Safety Research Department, which have been established as part of the QA (Quality Assurance) Group.

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部

International Standards Certification for Food Safety Management Systems

Acquisition of GFSI Certification

The Nissui Group is working to strengthen its quality assurance capabilities by promoting the acquisition of food safety management system certification, and the number of business sites that have acquired GFSI-approved standards (Note), such as FSSC22000, BRC and IFS is as follows:

(Note) GFSI: Global Food Safety Initiative, a private organization of global food companies that work collaboratively to approve food safety management standards in order to improve food safety and strengthen consumer confidence.

Status of Acquisition of GFSI-Approved Standards
Type Number of certified sites Number of targeted sites Ratio of certified sites 
Food products 9 7 5 - 21 26 81%
Marine products 4 4 - 1 9 16 56%
Fine chemicals 2 - - - 2 4 50%
Total 15 11 5 1 32 46 70%

As of March 2024
Scope: Nissui Corporation, and all consolidated companies in and outside Japan (production and processing sites only)

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部