
ESG Data


system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部

E: Environmental Data

Scope covered in the environmental data
Targeted organizations:
[In Japan] Nissui Corporation, all consolidated companies.
[Outside Japan] All consolidated companies. Administrative offices have been excluded.
27 companies in Japan and 15 companies outside Japan (including sub-subsidiaries) as of March 31, 2024.
April to March each year for Nissui and its Group companies in Japan, and January to December each year for its Group companies outside Japan.
Supplementary notes:
  • Environmental data may partially include estimates. Partial changes may have been made to data disclosed in the past as a result of reviewing the data tallying method, etc.
  • Since 2018, CO2 emissions from electricity use by the Nissui Group companies outside Japan have been calculated by using average CO2 emissions factors by countries published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
  • There may be discrepancies in the total figures due to the treatment of decimals.
  • We corrected CO2 emissions and energy use of FY2023. Also, we corrected waste generated of FY2022-23. (October 2024)

Sustainability Targets (Long-Term Vision "Good Foods 2030"/Mid-Term Business Plan "Good Foods Recipe1")

CO2 Emissions (by Region)

  Base year  
  Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total t-CO2 363,298 361,329 358,153 342,200 319,067 340,583
Compared to the base year % - 99.5% 98.6% 94.2% 87.8% 93.7%
Japan t-CO2 245,404 240,678 235,296 220,199 206,928 221,767
  Reference Production volume t 400,511 394,520 378,066 367,305 357,829 393,926
Outside Japan t-CO2 117,894 120,651 122,857 122,001 112,139 118,816
Asia t-CO2 13,378 13,038 11,449 12,298 13,027 11,814
Europe t-CO2 10,548 10,606 16,403 15,874 18,521 19,572
North America t-CO2 51,938 51,304 54,818 52,465 47,859 53,204
South America t-CO2 42,030 45,703 40,187 41,364 32,732 34,226
  Reference Production volume t 402,773 422,045 438,092 429,406 407,938 484,943

CO2 Emissions (by Unit)

  Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan   Emissions per unit of production volume (kg-CO2/t) 370 366 364 349 340 343
Emissions per unit of activity volume (kg-CO2/t) 8 6 6 6 6 7
Emissions per unit of feeding volume (kg-CO2/t) 64 61 72 78 77 85
Emissions per unit of days at sea (kg-CO2/day) 23,531 21,717 23,500 24,284 23,944 25,967
Emissions per unit of man-hour (kg-CO2/thousand person-hour) 2,615 1,985 2,223 2,307 2,305 3,023
Emissions per unit of total floor area (kg-CO2/㎡) 6 6 5 5 5 5
Emissions per unit of travel distance (kg-CO2/thousand km) 846 855 840 839 881 930
Reference Production volume t 400,511 394,520 378,066 367,305 357,829 393,926

CO2 Emissions (by Energy Source)

  Base year  
  Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total t-CO2 363,298 361,329 358,153 342,200 319,067 340,583
Japan t-CO2 245,404 240,678 235,296 220,199 206,928 221,767
  Purchased electricity t-CO2 118,010 109,188 105,254 99,285 92,342 101,551
Purchased steam t-CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Heavy fuel oil A t-CO2 59,564 62,027 63,269 57,470 54,019 52,272
City gas t-CO2 44,058 44,865 43,218 41,653 39,610 41,220
LPG t-CO2 8,731 8,912 8,491 7,163 7,099 11,611
Gas oil t-CO2 7,313 7,641 7,601 7,707 7,353 7,930
Natural gas t-CO2 4,394 4,069 3,981 3,730 3,546 3,855
Kerosene t-CO2 1,865 2,694 2,399 2,152 1,965 2,414
Gasoline t-CO2 1,470 1,283 1,083 1,038 995 913
Outside Japan t-CO2 117,894 120,651 122,857 122,001 112,139 118,816
  Purchased electricity t-CO2 35,583 36,463 34,189 35,554 26,673 24,182
Purchased steam t-CO2 0 0 85 109 65 0
Heavy fuel oil t-CO2 4,145 5,009 3,593 3,266 3,421 4,459
City gas t-CO2 7,848 8,407 12,280 12,329 12,363 13,767
LPG t-CO2 1,447 1,735 1,694 1,338 1,875 1,839
Gas oil t-CO2 62,386 62,450 64,207 62,437 58,811 66,179
Natural gas t-CO2 6,345 6,446 6,671 6,720 6,437 6,634
Kerosene t-CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gasoline t-CO2 140 141 138 248 220 262
Liquid nitrogen t-CO2 0 0 0 0 2,274 1,494

CO2 Emissions (by Business Segment)

  Base year  
  Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total t-CO2 363,298 361,329 358,153 342,200 319,067 340,583
Japan t-CO2 245,404 240,678 235,296 220,199 206,928 221,767
  Marine Products
t-CO2 46,696 48,612 51,353 46,744 44,160 44,392
Marine Products
t-CO2 25,280 23,754 23,938 24,273 21,341 23,672
Food Products t-CO2 113,132 110,130 106,218 100,889 98,618 109,417
Fine Chemicals t-CO2 23,789 23,591 20,940 17,018 14,018 13,908
General Distribution t-CO2 27,353 24,674 24,757 24,550 22,636 24,135
Others t-CO2 9,154 9,917 8,091 6,725 6,155 6,242
Outside Japan t-CO2 117,894 120,651 122,857 122,001 112,139 118,816
  Marine Products<fishery> t-CO2 25,417 25,580 22,124 22,398 21,521 23,555
Marine Products
t-CO2 59,899 62,691 64,145 64,137 52,598 56,145
Food Products t-CO2 32,578 32,380 36,438 35,291 37,921 39,116
Fine Chemicals t-CO2 0 0 150 175 99 0

CO2 Emissions (Scope 1, 2)

  Base year  
  Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total t-CO2 363,298 361,329 358,153 342,200 319,067 340,583
Scope 1 t-CO2 209,705 215,678 218,625 207,252 197,713 213,356
  Japan t-CO2 127,394 131,490 130,042 120,914 114,586 120,216
Outside Japan t-CO2 82,311 84,188 88,583 86,338 83,127 93,140
Scope 2 t-CO2 153,593 145,651 139,528 134,948 121,354 127,227
  Japan t-CO2 118,010 109,188 105,254 99,285 92,342 101,551
Outside Japan t-CO2 35,583 36,463 34,274 35,663 29,012 25,676

CO2 Emissions (Scope 3)

  Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total t-CO2 2,282,923 2,545,561 2,526,262 2,780,681
Category1 Purchased goods and services t-CO2 2,056,442 2,316,906 2,297,014 2,514,377
Category2 Capital goods t-CO2 71,005 79,343 81,241 107,296
Category3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 t-CO2 60,913 63,191 61,779 65,650
Category4 Upstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 73,788 66,819 62,181 68,035
Category5 Waste generated in operations t-CO2 9,790 8,110 13,396 (Note) 14,545
Category6 Business travel t-CO2 1,226 1,256 1,228 1,317
Category7 Employee commuting t-CO2 3,197 3,277 3,206 3,428
Category8 Upstream leased assets t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category9 Downstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded
Category10 Processing of sold products t-CO2 Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded
Category11 Use of sold products t-CO2 Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded
Category12 End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2 6,562 6,659 6,217 6,032
Category13 Downstream leased assets t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category14 Franchises t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category15 Investments t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

(Note): The scope changed from FY2022.

Energy Use

  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total GJ 7,134,853 7,329,537 7,111,765 6,976,811 6,974,474
Japan GJ 4,641,927 4,561,995 4,359,806 4,167,282 4,172,433
  Purchased electricity GJ 2,443,750 2,395,735 2,338,921 2,250,556 2,050,076
Purchased steam GJ 0 0 0 0 0
Heavy fuel oil GJ 895,051 912,966 829,295 779,498 738,650
City gas GJ 899,687 866,673 835,295 794,322 826,610
LPG GJ 150,958 143,828 121,339 120,247 194,279
Gas oil GJ 111,442 110,862 112,405 107,242 115,034
Natural gas GJ 82,207 80,422 75,357 71,627 75,645
Kerosene GJ 39,713 35,364 31,732 28,968 35,211
Gasoline GJ 19,118 16,145 15,464 14,821 13,313
Fish oil GJ - - - - 103,440
Waste oil GJ - - - - 1,239
Soybean oil GJ - - - - 4,528
Solar power generation GJ - - - - 14,408
Outside Japan GJ 2,492,926 2,767,542 2,751,959 2,809,529 2,802,041
  Purchased electricity GJ 1,177,447 1,363,746 1,400,845 1,442,779 1,307,151
Purchased steam GJ 0 1,417 1,817 1,083 0
Heavy fuel oil GJ 72,296 51,847 47,116 49,344 63,073
City gas GJ 168,896 246,758 247,744 248,371 276,074
LPG GJ 29,413 28,702 22,657 31,750 30,833
Gas oil GJ 912,529 938,278 892,321 859,334 959,870
Natural gas GJ 130,234 134,753 135,757 130,032 130,107
Kerosene GJ 0 0 0 0 0
Gasoline GJ 2,111 2,041 3,702 3,287 3,825
Liquid nitrogen GJ 0 0 0 43,549 24,784
Fish oil GJ - - - - 25
Waste oil GJ - - - - 724
Solar power generation GJ - - - - 5,575

Renewable Energy

  Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Purchased Power from Renewable Energy Sources Japan MWh 0 0 5,699 7,437
Outside Japan MWh 0 10,821 31,622 37,709
Solar power generation Japan MWh 78 977 3,490 3,987
Outside Japan MWh 557 1,263 1,294 1,549
Ratio of Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy Sources Japan % 0.0% 0.5% 4.0% 4.7%
Outside Japan % 0.4% 8.5% 22.5% 26.0%

Water Use (by Region)

  Base year  
  Unit FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total thousand m3 3,885 3,938 3,988 10,112 10,671 11,105 10,524 9,493 11,007
Japan thousand m3 3,885 3,938 3,988 4,279 4,184 3,957 3,843 3,711 4,276
  Use per unit (Note 1) Use per unit of production volume (m3/t) 10.3 10.5 10.3 10.1 10.1 9.9 9.9 9.8 10.4
Compared to the base year (per unit) (Note 2) % - 103% 101% 99% 98% 97% 97% 96% 101%
Reference Production volume t 360,190 355,098 365,024 400,511 394,520 378,066 367,305 357,829 393,926
Outside Japan thousand m3 - - - 5,833 6,487 7,148 6,681 5,782 6,731
  Asia thousand m3 - - - 634 668 455 469 484 503
Europe thousand m3 - - - 253 553 854 780 695 890
North America thousand m3 - - - 4,729 4,997 5,587 5,151 4,332 4,988
South America thousand m3 - - - 217 269 252 281 271 350
Reference    Production volume t - - - 402,773 422,045 438,092 429,406 407,938 484,943

(Note 1): Based on water use per production plant (water use per unit of production volume) accounting for 95.0% of water use in fiscal 2022.

(Note 2): In calculating per unit, the active volume from cold storage warehouses, etc. is included in addition to production volume.

Water Use (by Water Source)

  Base year  
  Unit FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total thousand m3 3,885 3,938 3,988 10,112 10,671 11,105 10,524 9,493 11,007
Japan thousand m3 3,885 3,938 3,988 4,279 4,184 3,957 3,843 3,711 4,276
  City water thousand m3 1,092 1,120 1,189 1,232 1,112 1,056 997 901 1,155
Well water thousand m3 2,023 2,059 1,992 2,144 2,209 2,097 2,095 2,114 2,407
Industrial water thousand m3 770 759 807 902 864 805 752 696 714
Outside Japan thousand m3 - - - 5,833 6,487 7,148 6,681 5,782 6,731
  City water thousand m3 - - - 528 824 1,048 978 890 1,101
Well water thousand m3 - - - 335 340 258 278 318 296
Industrial water thousand m3 - - - 1,542 1,534 1,428 1,674 1,306 1,418
River water thousand m3 - - - 194 242 231 255 249 340
Others thousand m3 - - - 17 22 18 21 17 0
Sea water  thousand m3 - - - 3,217 3,525 4,165 3,475 3,002 3,576
Rain water thousand m3 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0

Water Discharge

  Destination Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan - thousand m3 226 257 264 275 256
Outside Japan Rivers/sea/canals thousand m3 - 4,359 3,933 3,493 3,812
Sewers thousand m3 - 224 249 266 419

Scope: Japan is only Nissui Corporation. Outside Japan is all consolidated companies in outside Japan

Details of the data: Production wastewater from production plants running off into public waterways.

Quality of Discharged Water

  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan COD t 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.8
BOD t 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.2 2.1
T-N t 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5
T-P t 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2

Scope: Nissui Corporation

Details of the data: Production wastewater from production plants running off into public waterways.

Waste Generated

  Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan t 44,008 41,815 39,735 36,632 33,729 37,394
  Generation per unit (Note 1) Generation per unit of production volume (kg/t) 99.8 94.4 92.2 85.8 81.9 83.6
  Recycled waste (Note 2) t 42,644 40,619 38,422 35,588 32,826 35,853
Recycling waste rate (Note 2) % 98% 99% 98% 99% 99% 98%
Non-recycled waste (Note 2) t 731 606 629 376 365 893

Scope: The Nissui Group in Japan

(Note 1): Based on waste generated per production plant (waste generated per unit of production volume) accounting for 86.9% of waste generated in fiscal 2022.

(Note 2): Recycled waste, recycling waste rate and non-recycled waste are calculated after domestic waste has been removed.

Food Loss and Waste Generated (Animal and Plant Residues/Waste from Products)

Animal and plant residues

  Base year  
  Unit FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan (Note 1) t 9,566 9,984 9,116 7,904 7,658 7,438 8,183
  Generation per unit (Note 2) Generation per unit of production volume (kg/t) 26.0 24.7 22.9 20.7 20.6 20.5 20.6
Compared to the base year (per unit) (Note 3) % - 95% 88% 80% 80% 79% 80%
Reference    Production volume t 365,024 400,511 394,520 378,066 367,305 357,829 393,926

Scope: The Nissui Group in Japan

(Note 1): The animal and plant residues that cannot be reduced through self-help efforts (non-edible parts inevitably generated in the raw material processing phase, dead fish in aquaculture farmed fish) are excluded.

(Note 2): Based on food loss generated per production plant (food loss generated per unit of production volume), accounting for 98.8% of food loss generated in fiscal 2022.

(Note 3): In calculating per unit, the active volume from cold storage warehouses, etc. is included in addition to production volume.

Waste from products

  Base year  
  Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan t 438 552 515 397
  Compared to the base year % - 126% 118% 91%

Scope: Nissui Corporation

Use of Containers and Packaging

  Base year  
  Unit FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan Plastic t 3,675 3,852 3,980 4,074 4,158 4,374 4,456 3,939 3,622
  Use per unit (Note) Use per unit of sales volume (kg/t) 42.1 41.9 41.3 40.2 39.0 39.5 39.4 37.7 38.5
Compared to the base year (per unit) % 100% 98% 96% 93% 94% 94% 90% 91%
Paper t - - - 356 347 356 416 627 607
Glass bottle t - - - 3,397 3,438 3,122 3,476 3,176 2,981

Scope: Nissui Corporation

(Note): Those specified as containers and packaging in the Container and Packaging Recycling Law of Japan (containers and packaging released from households).

Plastic Waste at The Production Phase

  Base year  
  Unit FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan t 6,138 6,441 6,154 5,420 5,205 4,862 5,530
  Generation per unit Generation per unit of production volume (kg/t) 16.8 16.1 15.6 14.3 14.2 13.6 14.0
Compared to the base year (per unit) % 96% 93% 85% 84% 81% 84%

Scope: Nissui Corporation


  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan Nox t 11.9 7.9 11.5 7.1 10.0
Sox t 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Soot and dust t 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1

Scope: Nissui Corporation

Details of the data: Emissions from boilers with a heating surface area of 10㎡ or more, or with a combustion capacity of 50 liters/hour or more that are designated as facilities that generate soot and smoke, pursuant to the Air Pollution Control Act.

Ozone-depleting Substances

  Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan HCFC (HFC) leakage level t-CO2 2,671 2,981 1,808 1,322 2,015

Scope: Nissui Corporation

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部

S: Social Data

* Definition of terms

Employees: Employees who are directly hired by a company, AS employees (employees who directly hired by each department)
Temporary employees: Temporary employees including directly-hired contract employees and temporary employees such as part timers
Executives: Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Executive Officers
Managers: Persons with subordinates, or persons in equivalent levels without subordinates, excluding Executives

Number of Employees (persons)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Total - - 17,617 - - 17,721 - - 19,096
Nissui Group in Japan, total - - 10,266 - - 9,853 - - 11,209
    Employees - - 4,771 - - 4,651 - - 5,039
Temporary employees - - 5,495 - - 5,202 - - 6,170
Nissui Corporation - - 2,549 - - 2,607 - - 2,599
  Employees 990 285 1,275 1,076
1,089 415 1,504
Temporary employees - - 1,274 - - 1,122
- - 1,095
Consolidated subsidiaries - - 7,717 - - 7,246 - - 8,610
  Employees - - 3,496 - - 3,166 - - 3,535
Temporary employees - - 4,221 - - 4,080 - - 5,075
 Nissui Group Outside Japan, total - - 7,352 - - 7,943 - - 7,887
    Employees - - 4,891 - - 4,864 - - 5,065
Temporary employees - - 2,461 - - 3,079 - - 2,822
Asia - - 1,738 - - 1,887 - - 1,862
  Employees - - 513 - - 597 - - 612
Temporary employees - - 1,225 - - 1,290 - - 1,250
Europe - - 2,307 - - 2,493 - - 2,599
  Employees - - 1,901 - - 2,024 - - 2,107
Temporary employees - - 406 - - 469 - - 492
Employees - - 1,740 - - 1,929 - - 1,590
  Employees - - 1,227 - - 1,217 - - 1,205
Temporary employees - - 513 - - 712 - - 385
South America - - 1,567 - - 1,634 - - 1,836
  Employees - - 1,250 - - 1,026 - - 1,141
Temporary employees - - 317 - - 608 - - 695

(Note): Since FY2022, AS employees are included in the scope.

Executives and Managers (persons)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Nissui Corporation Executives 22 2 24 22 2 24 22 2 24
Managers 330 26 356 327 24 351 327 23 350
Managers in the Departments 169 13 182 174 13 187 172 13 185

Number of Persons Hired

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Number of persons hired (persons) Nissui Corporation 44 17 61 41 21 62 46 18 64
  New graduates 36 13 49 29 15 44 26 13 39
Mid-career hires 8 4 12 12 6 18 20 5 25
Reference: Retention rate of new graduates (3 years after employment)   Nissui Corporation 91% 95% 96% 87% 90% 88% 92% 92% 92%

Retirees/Turnover (persons)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Nissui Corporation 41 7 48 61 8 69 48 15 63
  Personal reasons 16 6 22 30 3 33 24 9 33
Company reasons (transfers) 3 0 3 3 0 3 4 1 5
Others 4 0 4 3 0 3 5 0 5
Retirement 18 1 19 25 2 27 15 5 20

Ratio of Female in the Workplace (Only Nissui)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Ratio of female employees 22.4% 27.5% (Note) 27.6%
Ratio of female executives 8.3% 8.3% 8.3%
Ratio of female managers 7.3% 6.8% 6.6%
Ratio of female managers in departments 7.1% 7.0% 7.0%
Ratio of female among new hires 27.9% 33.9% 28.1%

(Note): Since FY2022, AS employees are included in the scope.

Number of People with Disabilities (Only Nissui)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Employees with disabilities (persons) - - 51.0 - - 63.0 - - 66.0
Ratio - - 1.98% - - 2.39% - - 2.78%

Status of Employees (Only Nissui)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Average age (years of age) 42.9 41.8 42.7 43.1 42.7 43.0 43.1 42.1 42.8
Average years of service (years) 17.2 15.9 16.9 17.0 14.5 16.3 16.3 13.7 15.5
Average yearly salary (thousands of yen) - - 8,018.12 - - 7,985.63 - - 7,660.10

Gender Pay Gap (Ratio of female's wages to male's wages)

  FY2022 FY2023
Overall Employees Temporary employees Overall Employees Temporary employees
Nissui Corporation 54.80% 70.70% 75.60% 58.18% 73.90% 75.28%
  Divisions other than production divisions 61.60% 65.34% 77.92% 64.44% 68.66% 70.43%
Production divisions 52.90% 73.08% 75.29% 55.01% 76.75% 76.11%

(Note): Wages include base salary, bonuses, and substandard wages. There is no difference in wages for equal work between male and female; this is due to the difference in the composition of the number of persons in each level.

Working Hours and Status of Use of Childcare Leave and Other Programs (Only Nissui)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Working hours (per employee) Total working hours (hours / year) - - 1,911.6 - - 1,934.2 - - 1,923.3
Average overtime hours (hours / month) - - 16.1 - - 15.9 - - 15.1
Average number of days of paid leave taken (days) - - 14.3 - - 16.1 - - 16.3
Rate of paid leave taken - - 75.31% - - 84.49% - - 85.50%
Childcare leave program Childcare leave (persons) 33 13 46 30 7 37 33 17 50
Rate of childcare leave taken 117.9% 100% - 78.9% 100% - 110.0% 100% -
Rate of workers returning to work 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Other programs Nursing care leave (persons) 1 0 1 1 2 3 1 2 3

Indicators of Labor Safety

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of work-related accidents 133 121 128
(Number of those that led to time off from work) 65 63 51
(Number of those that led to deaths) 0 0 1
Frequency rate (Note) 0.61 1.21 1.20

Scope: Number of work-related accident reports on Nissui Corporation and its group companies in Japan (including unconsolidated affiliate companies in Japan). Frequency rate reports on Nisssui Corporation

(Note): One of the safety indices to indicate the incidence of work-related accidents, calculated by the following formula: Frequency rate = number of those who suffered from injury resulting in lost work time ÷ total working hours × one million actual work hours.

Indicators of Employee Health (Only Nissui)

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
EPA/AA ratio - 0.33 0.28 0.31 0.32 0.30 0.31 0.35 0.36 0.35
Smoking rate % 31.4 9.5 22.7 30.0 8.6 21.4 28.2 8.4 20.0
Obesity rate (Note1) % 34.2 20.3 28.7 34.1 20.4 28.6 34.4 18.9 27.7
Employees undergoing stress check % - - 93.2 - - 93.9 - - 94.1
High-stress employees % - - 11.0 - - 10.8 - - 9.9
Annual checkup rate % - - 100 - - 100 - - 100
Follow-up examination rate (specialized diagnostic examinations) % - - 80 - - 85 - - 95
Employees with abnormal blood pressure (Note2) % - - 25.9 - - 30.7 - - 12.9
Employees with abnormal lipid levels (Note3) % - - 12.4 - - 12.7 - - 13.3
Employees with abnormal blood glucose levels (Note4) % - - 7.0 - - 7.1 - - 4.7
Employees who do not engage in regular exercise (Note5) % - - 70.3 - - 71.8 - - 72.6
Employees who skip breakfast (Note6) % - - 28.3 - - 28.5 - - 29.1
Employees reporting insufficient sleep (Note7) % - - 30.3 - - 28.6 - - 28.2

(Note1): Percentage of employees with BMI 25 or above

(Note2): Percentage of employees with systolic blood pressure of 130mmHg or above and/or diastolic blood pressure of 85mmHg or above

(Note3): Percentage of employees with triglyceride levels of 150 mg/dl or above

(Note4): Percentage of employees with fasting blood glucose levels of 110 mg/dl or above

(Note5): Percentage of employees who answered "No" to the question "Do you engage in physical activity for 30 minutes or more at least twice a week?" on the medical questionnaire

(Note6): Percentage of employees who answered "Yes" to the question "Do you skip breakfast three or more times a week?" on the medical questionnaire

(Note7): Percentage of employees who answered "No" to the question "Do you get sufficient sleep?" on the medical questionnaire

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部

G: Governance Data

Composition of the Directors (As of the end of June, 2024)

  Male Female Total
Board of Directors 8 2 10
  Internal Directors 6 0 6
Outside Directors 2 2 4
Supervisory Board Member 3 1 4
  Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member 1 0 1
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member 2 1 3

Scope: Nissui Corporation

Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings and Audit & Supervisory Board (FY2023)

Category Name Board of Directors meetings Audit & Supervisory Board meetings Nomination and Compensation Committee
Nomination Committee Compensation Committee
Internal Director Shingo Hamada 20/20 - 8/8 7/7
Seiji Takahashi 20/20 - 8/8 7/7
Shinya Yamamoto 20/20 - - -
Koji Umeda 20/20 - - -
Shinya Yamashita 20/20 - - -
Masahide Asai 20/20 - - -
Outside Director Mikito Nagai 19/20 - 8/8 6/7
Tokio Matsuo 20/20 - 8/8 7/7
Atsumi Eguchi 15/15 - 6/6 3/3
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member Hiroyuki Hamano 20/20 17/17 - -
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Shino Hirose 20/20 16/16 - -
Masahiro Yamamoto 19/20 16/16 - -
Tadashi Kanki 19/20 16/16 - -

Scope: Nissui Corporation

Compliance Training Implementation Status - Harassment Prevention

  Targettier/Groups Unit FY2023
Detection and correction of unintentional harassment using the harassment tendency check, and lectures leader persons 272
Executives and department managers persons 56

Scope: Nissui Corporation

Compliance Training Implementation Status - Others (E-learning)

  Targettier/Groups Unit FY2022 FY2023
Information security rules New employees persons 44 39
All employees persons 1,868 1,920
Information security awareness survey All employees persons 1,903 1,932
Targeted e-mail training Related groups persons 1,989 1,997
Handling of personal information in electronic commerce Related groups persons 10 23
Standards related to raw materials and labeling Related groups persons 311 329
Raw materials/labeling topics (introduction of recent regulatory revision, near-miss incidents and countermeasures) Related groups persons 229 458

Scope: Nissui Corporation

Business and Human Rights Training Implementation Status

Details Targettier/Groups Unit FY2022 FY2023
“Human rights issues and promoting sustainable procurement in the supply chain” Nissui employees (Operational staff) persons 225 -
Advancing sustainable procurement (Workshop for those in charge of procurement) Nissui employees (Those in charge of procurement) persons 28 -
Sustainable procurement and human rights Nissui employees persons 45 -
“Aspects of human rights companies should honor,”“Problematic aspects of the Technical Intern Training Program,” etc. CEO (Nissui group in Japan), executives and department managers (Nissui) persons 85 -
Human rights risks and supplier assessment of the Nissui Group CEO (Nissui group outside of Japan), executives and department managers (Nissui) persons 86 -
Improving the workplace environment for foreign workers Executives and department managers (Nissui) persons 65 -
“Global developments in business and human rights,”“Promotion of supplier assessment,” etc. Executives and department managers (Nissui) persons 65 -
Business and Human Rights Training (E-learning) Nissui employees persons - 1,663
Business and Human Rights Training (Training video viewing) Nissui group in Japan persons - 1,653

Usage Status of Whistleblowing System

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Nissui Corporation 18 11 9
  Harassment/interpersonal relations 16 7 7
Labor problems 0 2 2
Other 2 2 2
Group companies 14 10 16
  Harassment/interpersonal relationsth> 9 5 6
Labor problems 2 2 2
Other 3 3 8

Implementation of Internal Audit

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan Nissui Corporation departments 3 9 11
Consolidated companies comapanies 8 9 10
Outside Japan Consolidated companies comapanies 3 5 4

Corporate Income Tax (by Region)

  Unit FY2022 FY2023
Japan million yen 5,092 7,432
Europe million yen 831 1,761
North America million yen 1,029 1,824
Others million yen 935 313
Total million yen 7,887 11,330

Scope: Nissui Corporation and all consolidated companies


  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Donations (Note) million yen 52 13 14

Scope: Nissui Corporation

(Note) This is a donation fund for the specified public-service promotion corporation.

system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部, 株式会社ニッスイ 人事部人事課