In FY2022, the Nissui Group established a new “Environmental Award” as part...
In the Nissui Group, we will promote our business continuity plan in accord...
Hakata Marukita Suisan Co., Ltd., a Nissui Group company, has been enga...
The Nissui Group has set CO2 emissions, water use and waste as three impor...
Participation in Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients Since 2022, Nis...
To evaluate personnel, Nissui has introduced a system called MBO (Note). Tw...
1 August, 2019 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual ...
Escaped fish [Approach to Fish Escape Prevention] The Nissui Group ai...
In the fishing industry, the incidental catch of seabirds and marine mammal...
Environment Preservation of the "forest, river and sea" The preservat...
Within our fishing operations, we actively work at the level of each Group ...
To realize “what the Nissui Group would like to be in 2030,” in additio...
従業員やビジネスパートナーなどの様々なステークホルダーとの価値協創のため、マルチステークホルダー方針を策定しています。 マルチステークホルダー方...
Contact points for employees The Nissui Group has established a whistleb...
The Nissui Group's long-term vision is to be “a leading company that delive...
Research Hub: Oita Marine Biological Technology Center, Central Research La...
Many industrialized countries, including Japan, are entering the stage ...
The Nissui Group reviewed its material issues in line with its long-term vi...
In 2021, the Nissui Group conducted a climate change scenario analysis in a...