Compliance Training Every year, we conduct compliance training in th...
Total Amount of Compensation, etc. by Executive Category, the Types of Comp...
24 November, 2020 We have posted "Sustainability Report 2020 (Digest Ver...
Nissui has a nursing care leave program, in which 10 days of leave per year...
Nissui has been engaged in the research, dissemination and awareness-ra...
In collaboration with researchers and experts in marine l...
The Supplier Guideline is distributed to all of Nissui Corporatio...
In FY2022, the Nissui Group established a new “Environmental Award” as part...
Amid the growing demand for stable employment opportunities for the elderly...
The Nissui Group recognizes the preservation of biodiversity as a vital man...
* Definition of terms Employees: Employees who are directly hired by a...
The Marine Resource Sustainability Subcommittee is to identify the resource...
Participation in Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients Since 2022, Nis...
Research Hub: Oita Marine Biological Technology Center, Central Research La...
In order to produce products to the customers’ satisfaction, quality assura...
1. Building an employment relationship based on free will and respect for h...
Connecting Science and Business One of the major features of SeaBOS is t...
The basic corporate stance of Nissui, whose business relies on the bounty o...
Nissui is going forward with initiatives to change the labeling o...
The world’s marine resources are being depleted and according to a report b...