The targets specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030,” and in th...
We implement special training for the Nissui Corporation purchasing manager...
Initiatives Targeted at Nissui Corporation With respect to all employees...
The factory sites receive raw materials and manufacture products. The quali...
15 December, 2021 The main updated articles are bellow. ...
To improve the health literacy of employees, Nissui holds health improvemen...
1. Building an employment relationship based on free will and respect for h...
Animal Welfare Policy in Aquaculture The Nissui Group, which relies on t...
To evaluate personnel, Nissui has introduced a system called MBO (Note). Tw...
30 September, 2021 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an ann...
The Nissui Group thinks CO2 emissions, water use and waste production as th...
Total Amount of Compensation, etc. by Executive Category, the Types of Comp...
Nissui has formulated the Nissui Group Basic Procurement Policy by summariz...
2025/1/23 The main updated articles are below. ...
Nissui has been an official sponsor of the “All Blacks,” the national r...
In the fishing industry, the incidental catch of seabirds and marine mammal...
The Internal Audit Department, an organization (with seven members includin...
2 August, 2021 We have added the Nissui Group initiatives for sustainabi...
Code of Ethics Awareness The Guidelines of Ethical Conduct set out in Ni...
21 September, 2022 Please see the URL below. Comp...
Plastic waste is also generated at both production plants and logistics cen...
The world’s marine resources are being depleted and according to a report b...