24 November, 2020 We have posted "Sustainability Report 2020 (Digest Ver...
Renewable Energy We are expanding the use of renewable energy sources ac...
Nissui Forest On October 2, 2023, a cooperation agreement for ...
In FY2022, the Nissui Group established a new “Environmental Award” as part...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
In the Nissui Group, we will promote our business continuity plan in accord...
In order to enhance the sustainable use of marine resources, innovations wi...
Amid the growing demand for stable employment opportunities for the elderly...
Nissui is going forward with initiatives to change the labeling o...
There are eight awards, for which 16 works are selected as winners of the t...
従業員やビジネスパートナーなどの様々なステークホルダーとの価値協創のため、マルチステークホルダー方針を策定しています。 マルチステークホルダー方...
Nissui is engaged in “Collabo-health (Note)” in collaboration with the Niss...
The Nissui Group aims to achieve a state where, by 2030, it is generating i...
Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification, the operation of which was ...
In fiscal 2024, Nissui is expanding initiatives focused on cancer preventio...
Acquisition of Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO45001 Ce...
1. Building an employment relationship based on free will and respect for h...
Living Wage Support The Nissui Group not only complies with labor laws a...
The Sustainability Newsletter Let’s Listen to the Voice of the...
As part of creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace, Nissui has intro...