"Contribute to a healthy lifestyle with food safety and security": This is ...
Try to solve issues together with our stakeholders This is the ess...
Acquisition of Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO45001 Ce...
In the Nissui Group, we will promote our business continuity plan in accord...
Nissui believes that the most important factor in increasing corporate valu...
The world’s marine resources are being depleted and according to a report b...
As there are concerns over the depletion of the world's marine resources, t...
The Nissui Group has established an environmental management system under t...
In collaboration with researchers and experts in marine l...
Code of Ethics Awareness The Guidelines of Ethical Conduct set out in Ni...
Nissui has been developing the SPORTS EPA brand, which utilizes EPA (eicosa...
The Risk Management Committee, under the direct supervision of the Presiden...
Main Business Nippon Marine Enterprises, Ltd., a Nissui Group compan...
As society ages, it has become more important than ever to prolong one’s he...
31 August, 2020 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual...
The Nissui Group recognizes the preservation of biodiversity as a vital man...
The Nissui Group regards human capital as one of the most important factor ...
In its business activities, a company faces a variety of societal issues th...
In October 2024, Nissui contributed 10 million yen to the United Nations Wo...
Interview with Officer in Charge of Sustainability ...