We established a Sustainability Committee which reports directly to the Pre...
At the Nissui Group, we consider our employees to be our most valuable as...
Under the Diversity Subcommittee, we have established two employee-centered...
Amid the growing demand for stable employment opportunities for the elderly...
Acquisition of Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO45001 Ce...
“The Utsunuki Green Zone” is a “satoyama (village forests)” adjacent to the...
Approach to Use of Medicinal Products When using antimicrobials, an appr...
In the fishing industry, the incidental catch of seabirds and marine mammal...
To enhance the sustainability of marine resources, the Nissui Group is maki...
In the course of implementing initiatives, Nissui are striving to improve o...
Renewable Energy We are expanding the use of renewable energy sources ac...
Basic Policy for Internal Control System Page up
We stress the importance of listening to the candid comments of the custome...
Overview of Whistleblowing System We have a whistleblowing system in pla...
GRI Content Index SASB ...
23 December, 2021 The main updated articles are bellow. ...
Nissui believes that the most important factor in increasing corporate valu...
The Human Rights Subcommittee, guided by the “Nissui Group Human Rights Pol...
Nissui has been engaged in the research, dissemination and awareness-ra...
30 September, 2021 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an ann...