The targets specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030,” and in th...
Nagasaki Shipyard hosts workplace tours as part of field trips for loca...
Monthly meetings are held with the Human Resources Department's Labor and H...
The Nissui Group has established the following tax policy that all companie...
The factory sites receive raw materials and manufacture products. The quali...
The Nissui Group Quality Assurance Code, based on the concept of quality as...
31 August, 2020 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual...
Nissui has been engaged in the research, dissemination and awareness-ra...
The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President & CEO and compri...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
We stress the importance of listening to the candid comments of the custome...
2024/6/28 The main updates are as below. ...
In the Nissui Group, we will promote our business continuity plan in accord...
Nissui is going forward with initiatives to change the labeling o...
Nissui conducts stakeholder dialogues in order to utilize the opinions of v...
The Nissui Group has set CO2 emissions, water use and waste as three impor...
From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual archive of the "...
Participation in Japan Project of WRI's "10x20x30" Food Loss and Waste Init...
The Environmental Subcommittee is chaired by an Executive Officer who has b...
Main Business Nippon Marine Enterprises, Ltd., a Nissui Group compan...
Nissui is engaged in “Collabo-health (Note)” in collaboration with the Niss...
Overview of Whistleblowing System We have a whistleblowing system in pla...
The targets and results specified in the mid-term business plan, “Good Food...