Saiki City, Oita Prefecture, where the Oita Marine Biological Technology Ce...
The Nissui Group reviewed its material issues in line with its long-term vi...
On September 16, 2020, Nissui and Tomi City, Nagano Prefecture, e...
KPIs for promoting personal health include three points: "smoking rate," "o...
In October 2022, Nissui developed a canning process to make effective u...
The Food Loss and Waste Subcommittee is engaged in initiatives to reduce fo...
To improve the health literacy of employees, Nissui holds health improvemen...
In collaboration with researchers and experts in marine l...
In fiscal 2024, Nissui is expanding initiatives focused on cancer preventio...
Japan Platform for Migrant Workers towards Responsible and Inclusive Societ...
The Nissui Group aims to preserve the bountiful sea and improve the sustain...
The Internal Audit Department, an organization (with seven members includin...
“Upcycling” means utilizing waste, items no longer needed and other things ...
To prevent health problem from smoking and passive smoking, Nissui is promo...
Number of Incidents of Work-related Accidents We strive to achieve zero ...
Nissui upholds the Policy toward Society “to behave with integrity as a com...
18 November, 2021 We have posted "Sustainability Report 2021 (Digest Ver...
The Nissui Group company, King & Prince Seafood Corp. (USA, “K&P”) ...