The Nissui Group aims to achieve a state where, by 2030, it is generating i...
In October 2023, SeaBOS issued its first "Impact Report" summarizing th...
Saiki City, Oita Prefecture, where the Oita Marine Biological Technology Ce...
The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President & CEO and compri...
The world’s marine resources are being depleted and according to a report b...
Nissui is engaged in “Collabo-health (Note)” in collaboration with the Niss...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
Respect Human Rights in our supply chain The Nissui Group has been promo...
The Fish Masters’ “Eat Fish Project” The “Eat Fish Project” was star...
Basic Policy for Internal Control System Page up
Nissui has a nursing care leave program, in which 10 days of leave per year...
2 December, 2019 We reaffirmed the connections between the Sustainable D...
25 December, 2023 The main updated articles are below. ...
The Ethics Subcommittee is set up under the umbrella of the Business Founda...
Amid the growing demand for stable employment opportunities for the elderly...
Our Basic Approach to Promoting Women’s Advancement Nissui aims to foster ...
Nissui conducts stakeholder dialogues in order to utilize the opinions of v...
Food loss and waste refers to food that can still be eaten but is thrown aw...
“The Utsunuki Green Zone” is a “satoyama (village forests)” adjacent to the...
Overview of Whistleblowing System We have a whistleblowing system in pla...
The Nissui Group recognizes the preservation of biodiversity as a vital man...
As there are concerns over the depletion of the world's marine resources, t...