Seafood certification programs such as MSC determine their criteria on ...
The Nissui Group's long-term vision is to be “a leading company that delive...
Amid the growing demand for stable employment opportunities for the elderly...
The Nissui Group declares that it will appreciate the bounty of the earth a...
Nissui Group’s fundamental approach regarding the problems of marine plasti...
Within our fishing operations, we actively work at the level of each Group ...
To enhance the sustainability of marine resources, the Nissui Group is maki...
In recognition of the importance of the preservation of biodiversity, the N...
The Nissui Group recognizes the preservation of biodiversity as a vital man...
On September 16, 2020, Nissui and Tomi City, Nagano Prefecture, e...
In collaboration with researchers and experts in marine l...
Waste Generated Initiatives Related to Waste Reduction Click here...
In April 2011, Nissui Marine Industries Co., Ltd., a fully-owned subsid...
The Sustainable Procurement Subcommittee works with suppliers to promote su...
30 June, 2020 We have added our initiatives in the FY2019. ...
Promoting Exercise Habits From fiscal 2018 to 2022, Nissui implemented t...
We established a Sustainability Committee which reports directly to the Pre...
KPIs for promoting personal health include three points: "smoking rate," "o...
The Nissui Group identifies human capital with top-management potential and...
Salmones Antartica S.A. (“SA”), a subsidiary of the Nissui Group located in...
To raise employee awareness of reducing food loss and waste, the following ...
Nissui has been developing the SPORTS EPA brand, which utilizes EPA (eicosa...