MSC certification is a certification program operated by the Mari...
To realize “what the Nissui Group would like to be in 2030,” in additio...
The targets specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030,” and in th...
To evaluate personnel, Nissui has introduced a system called MBO (Note). Tw...
The Nissui Group identifies human capital with top-management potential and...
In fiscal 2020, Nissui established the Container/Packaging Selection Guidel...
2024/9/13 We have published “Sustainability Report,” which is an annual ...
Nissui has been implementing the global personnel registry system since 201...
The Nissui Group’s production facilities employ people of many nationalitie...
In recognition of the importance of the preservation of biodiversity, the N...
The Marine Resource Sustainability Subcommittee is to identify the resource...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
The Fine Chemicals General Plant Tsukuba Plant periodically donates food pr...
As there are concerns over the depletion of the world's marine resources, t...
At Nissui, employees with disabilities work across approximately ...
In October 2023, SeaBOS issued its first "Impact Report" summarizing th...
Nissui upholds the Policy toward Society “to behave with integrity as a com...
“The Utsunuki Green Zone” is a “satoyama (village forests)” adjacent to the...
The Nissui Group recognizes the preservation of biodiversity as a vital man...
Initiatives Targeted at Nissui Corporation With respect to all employees...
Sealord Group Ltd., a Nissui Group company based in New Zealand, is involve...