21 September, 2022 Please see the URL below. Comp...
Nissui believes that the most important factor in increasing corporate valu...
26 April, 2021 We have added our initiatives for "Human Rights" includin...
The Nissui Group has formulated its “Human Rights Policy” based on the unde...
Hakata Marukita Suisan Co., Ltd., a Nissui Group company, has been enga...
The Sustainability Newsletter Let’s Listen to the Voice of the...
Gorton's King & Prince UniSea Sealord Australian Long Line ...
Acquisition of GFSI Certification The Nissui Group is working to strengt...
The Nissui Group reviewed its material issues in line with its long-term vi...
Overview of Whistleblowing System We have a whistleblowing system in pla...
Nissui aims to reform the company in line with societal and techn...
The Nissui Group thinks CO2 emissions, water use and waste production as th...
Nissui is going forward with initiatives to change the labeling o...
4 July, 2023 The main updates are as below. Susta...
From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual archive of the "...
Acquisition of RFVS Certification Australian Longline Pty Ltd. (Australi...
The Nissui Group company, King & Prince Seafood Corp. (USA, “K&P”) ...
STEP1. Identification and organization of Societal issues to be address...
Plastic waste is also generated at both production plants and logistics cen...
18 July, 2019 A new "Editorial Policy" has been added, and a "Sustainabi...
The Nissui Group aims to have the items that the Nissui Group procures conf...
2 December, 2019 We reaffirmed the connections between the Sustainable D...
We hope that becoming familiar from childhood with how foods are made w...