In order to reduce compliance risks in the Nissui Group as a whole, Group c...
At the Nissui Group, we consider our employees to be our most valuable as...
The Nissui Group identifies human capital with top-management potential and...
The Nissui Group has designated departments in each segment to oversee the ...
As part of our efforts to promote various health initiatives, we have estab...
Participation in the “Research Meeting” Junior EXPO 2025 Education Program ...
The Nissui Group believes that corporate activities are premised on respect...
Since FY2019, Nissui has implemented a Teleworking System. In April 202...
Board Members have a term of office of one year to ensure greater trans...
The Fish Masters’ “Eat Fish Project” The “Eat Fish Project” was star...
We established a Sustainability Committee which reports directly to the Pre...
Many industrialized countries, including Japan, are entering the stage ...
Food loss and waste refers to food that can still be eaten but is thrown aw...
Our Basic Approach to Promoting Women’s Advancement Nissui aims to foster ...
“Upcycling” means utilizing waste, items no longer needed and other things ...
25 December, 2023 The main updated articles are below. ...
18 July, 2019 A new "Editorial Policy" has been added, and a "Sustainabi...
The Nissui Group has formulated its “Human Rights Policy” based on the unde...
As there are concerns over the depletion of the world's marine resources, t...
On September 16, 2020, Nissui and Tomi City, Nagano Prefecture, e...