The targets and results specified in the mid-term business plan, “Good Food...
We have established the Ethical Behavior Standards in order to provide clea...
Nissui, with the cooperation of its executives and employees, the Nissui La...
As part of creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace, Nissui has intro...
Since 2010 the Nissui Group has been carrying out the “Cleanup Campaign,” a...
The Nissui Group aims to achieve a state where, by 2030, it is generating i...
Hachioji Area Participation in the Kitanomachi Emergency Drill On O...
Initiatives Linked to Targets of the “Health Japan 21 (the 3rd term)” Strat...
The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President & CEO and compri...
Nissui offers employees a full slate of educational and training programs, ...
The Nissui Group reviewed its material issues in line with its long-term vi...
The Fish Masters’ “Eat Fish Project” The “Eat Fish Project” was star...
The Nissui Group regards human capital as one of the most important factor ...
Amid the growing demand for stable employment opportunities for the elderly...
The Food Loss and Waste Subcommittee is engaged in initiatives to reduce fo...
2024/9/30 We have posted “The results of the third survey of procured ma...
At the Nissui Group, we consider our employees to be our most valuable as...
From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual archive of the "...