In FY2022, the Nissui Group established a new “Environmental Award” as part...
In April 2011, Nissui Marine Industries Co., Ltd., a fully-owned subsid...
At present, some of the sources of marine plastic litter are known to be lo...
Under the Diversity Subcommittee, we have established two employee-centered...
Nissui is engaged in “Collabo-health (Note)” in collaboration with the Niss...
In October 2022, Nissui developed a canning process to make effective u...
31 August, 2020 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual...
In October 2023, SeaBOS issued its first "Impact Report" summarizing th...
Nissui believes that the most important factor in increasing corporate valu...
The Nissui Group company, King & Prince Seafood Corp. (USA, “K&P”) ...
The Risk Management Committee, under the direct supervision of the Presiden...
2 August, 2021 We have added the Nissui Group initiatives for sustainabi...
We have established the Ethical Behavior Standards in order to provide clea...
Nissui has a nursing care leave program, in which 10 days of leave per year...
The Nissui Group has established an environmental management system under t...
In October 2024, Nissui contributed 10 million yen to the United Nations Wo...
30 June, 2022 The main updated articles are the bellow. ...
By participating in the “Pacific Bluefin Tuna Conservation Pledge” by WWF J...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
The Human Rights Subcommittee, guided by the “Nissui Group Human Rights Pol...
As part of the initiatives for employee health, Nissui recognizes the maint...