Sealord Group Ltd., a Nissui Group company based in New Zealand, is involve...
Renewable Energy We are expanding the use of renewable energy sources ac...
Since 2009, Nissui has been taking part in the Cabinet Office’s Cross-minis...
Participation in the “Research Meeting” Junior EXPO 2025 Education Program ...
We recognize balancing childcare as one of the greatest challenges for long...
Board Members have a term of office of one year to ensure greater trans...
4 July, 2023 The main updates are as below. Susta...
Since 2017, Nissui, with the cooperation of the NPO, The Arakawa River Clea...
Basic Stance The Nissui Group respects the freedom of association and th...
In line with the Nissui Group Basic Procurement Policy and the Supplier Gui...
Code of Ethics Awareness The Guidelines of Ethical Conduct set out in Ni...
Global seafood consumption has been increasing and demand is expected to co...
SeaBOS, which stands for Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship, is an init...
In collaboration with researchers and experts in marine l...
Acquisition of Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO45001 Ce...
As part of the initiatives for employee health, Nissui recognizes the maint...
18 November, 2021 We have posted "Sustainability Report 2021 (Digest Ver...
Reason System Description Childcare...
Gorton’s has been forming partnership with New England Aquarium (NEAq),...
Monthly meetings are held with the Human Resources Department's Labor and H...
In October 2023, SeaBOS issued its first "Impact Report" summarizing th...
As part of creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace, Nissui has intro...
On September 16, 2020, Nissui and Tomi City, Nagano Prefecture, e...
Promoting Exercise Habits From fiscal 2018 to 2022, Nissui implemented t...