Gorton’s has been forming partnership with New England Aquarium (NEAq),...
Basic Stance The Nissui Group respects the freedom of association and th...
Since 2009, Nissui has been taking part in the Cabinet Office’s Cross-minis...
As part of creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace, Nissui has intro...
Nissui aims to reform the company in line with societal and techn...
Nissui is engaged in “Collabo-health (Note)” in collaboration with the Niss...
Renewable Energy We are expanding the use of renewable energy sources ac...
In order to enhance the sustainable use of marine resources, innovations wi...
The Nissui Group company, King & Prince Seafood Corp. (USA, “K&P”) ...
Escaped fish [Approach to Fish Escape Prevention] The Nissui Group ai...
Sustainability Site Map Message from the President ...
In fiscal 2024, Nissui is expanding initiatives focused on cancer preventio...
In April 2011, Nissui Marine Industries Co., Ltd., a fully-owned subsid...
The targets and results specified in the mid-term business plan, “Good Food...
Nissui has formulated the Nissui Group Basic Procurement Policy by summariz...
18 July, 2019 A new "Editorial Policy" has been added, and a "Sustainabi...
Acquisition of ISO 14001 Certification The Nissui Group maintains a broa...
In order to reduce compliance risks in the Nissui Group as a whole, Group c...
The Nissui Group has set CO2 emissions, water use and waste as three impor...
Basic Policy on Information Security
Nissui has been an official sponsor of the “All Blacks,” the national r...
Since 2017, Nissui, with the cooperation of the NPO, The Arakawa River Clea...
In collaboration with researchers and experts in marine l...