As part of creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace, Nissui has intro...
In the course of implementing initiatives, Nissui are striving to improve o...
Plastic waste is also generated at both production plants and logistics cen...
Activities at Hachioji General Plant Since March 2018, Hachioj...
In Japan, an obligation to recycle waste in the form of “containers” and “p...
As part of measures for “Employee health,” Nissui has adopted “N Café,”...
Under the Diversity Subcommittee, we have established two employee-centered...
Nissui conducts stakeholder dialogues in order to utilize the opinions of v...
Gorton’s has been forming partnership with New England Aquarium (NEAq),...
Salmones Antartica S.A. (“SA”), a subsidiary of the Nissui Group located in...
Since 2002, Nissui has welcomed Maori individuals starting ...
The Sustainable Procurement Subcommittee works with suppliers to promote su...
The Risk Management Committee, under the direct supervision of the Presiden...
Since FY2019, Nissui has implemented a Teleworking System. In April 202...
Basic Approach The Nissui Group states as follows in its Declaration on ...
We implement special training for the Nissui Corporation purchasing manager...
Acquisition of Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO45001 Ce...
Many industrialized countries, including Japan, are entering the stage ...
26 April, 2021 We have added our initiatives for "Human Rights" includin...
State in which BCM (Business Continuity Management) is Thoroughly Implement...
Since 2017, Nissui, with the cooperation of the NPO, The Arakawa River Clea...