“The Utsunuki Green Zone” is a “satoyama (village forests)” adjacent to the...
Environment Preservation of the "forest, river and sea" The preservat...
Research Hub: Oita Marine Biological Technology Center, Central Research La...
In order to reduce compliance risks in the Nissui Group as a whole, Group c...
Acquisition of ISO 14001 Certification The Nissui Group maintains a broa...
In Japan, an obligation to recycle waste in the form of “containers” and “p...
Nissui is going forward with initiatives to change the labeling o...
Participation in Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients Since 2022, Nis...
Connecting Science and Business One of the major features of SeaBOS is t...
Code of Ethics Awareness The Guidelines of Ethical Conduct set out in Ni...
Approach to Use of Medicinal Products When using antimicrobials, an appr...
To improve the health literacy of employees, Nissui holds health improvemen...
27 September, 2023 We have published “Sustainability Report,” which is ...
The Sustainable Procurement Subcommittee works with suppliers to promote su...
To enhance the sustainability of marine resources, the Nissui Group is maki...
The Nissui Group has set CO2 emissions, water use and waste as three impor...
The targets specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030,” and in th...
Nissui only uses raw materials that have been confirmed for safety in manuf...
The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President & CEO and compri...
In 2021, the Nissui Group conducted a climate change scenario analysis in a...
The Food Loss and Waste Subcommittee is engaged in initiatives to reduce fo...