In collaboration with researchers and experts in marine l...
The Nissui Group aims to achieve a state where, by 2030, it is generating i...
Nissui Group Endangered Species (Marine Products) Procurement Policy The...
Nissui has been an official sponsor of the “All Blacks,” the national r...
Sustainability Report 2024 is published to provide information on the ini...
Total Amount of Compensation, etc. by Executive Category, the Types of Comp...
30 June, 2020 We have added our initiatives in the FY2019. ...
1) Labeling of food products shall be in accordance with the Food Labeling ...
By participating in the “Pacific Bluefin Tuna Conservation Pledge” by WWF J...
Respect Human Rights in our supply chain The Nissui Group has been promo...
Participation in Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients Since 2022, Nis...
In the course of implementing initiatives, Nissui are striving to improve o...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
As part of our efforts to promote various health initiatives, we have estab...
In order to produce products to the customers’ satisfaction, quality assura...
The Ethics Subcommittee is set up under the umbrella of the Business Founda...
18 November, 2019 We have added "Sustainability Report 2019 (Digest Vers...
The Forest that Protects Spring Water Nurturing Fish and the Sea ...
Since its founding, Nissui has been utilizing its unique technology to turn...
In April 2011, Nissui Marine Industries Co., Ltd., a fully-owned subsid...
2 December, 2019 We reaffirmed the connections between the Sustainable D...
21 September, 2022 Please see the URL below. Comp...
We implement special training for the Nissui Corporation purchasing manager...