The Nissui Group has set CO2 emissions, water use and waste as three impor...
In FY2022, the Nissui Group established a new “Environmental Award” as part...
Animal Welfare Policy in Aquaculture The Nissui Group, which relies on t...
Global seafood consumption has been increasing and demand is expected to co...
The basic corporate stance of Nissui, whose business relies on the bounty o...
Under the Diversity Subcommittee, we have established two employee-centered...
Seafood certification programs such as MSC determine their criteria on ...
Acquisition of RFVS Certification Australian Longline Pty Ltd. (Australi...
Gorton's King & Prince UniSea Sealord Australian Long Line ...
Research Hub: Oita Marine Biological Technology Center, Central Research La...
As part of creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace, Nissui has intro...
Since 2010 the Nissui Group has been carrying out the “Cleanup Campaign,” a...
In line with the Nissui Group Basic Procurement Policy and the Supplier Gui...
We implement special training for the Nissui Corporation purchasing manager...
In order to produce products to the customers’ satisfaction, quality assura...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
ASC certification, which is operated by the Aquaculture Stewardship Cou...
MEL is a certification scheme to promote the initiatives by producers w...
Nissui has been an official sponsor of the “All Blacks,” the national r...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
In the fishing industry, the incidental catch of seabirds and marine mammal...
The targets specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030,” and in th...
Nissui Group Endangered Species (Marine Products) Procurement Policy The...