Nissui aims to reform the company in line with societal and techn...
Donations to Second Harvest Japan Since fiscal 2008, Nissui ha...
In fiscal 2024, Nissui is expanding initiatives focused on cancer preventio...
Living Wage Support The Nissui Group not only complies with labor laws a...
There are two Outside Board Members, who have no personal, capital, trading...
As there are concerns over the depletion of the world's marine resources, t...
1 August, 2019 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual ...
To enhance the sustainability of marine resources, the Nissui Group is maki...
Global concern about plastic marine pollution is driven by its harmful effe...
In the Nissui Group, we will promote our business continuity plan in accord...
2024/9/13 We have published “Sustainability Report,” which is an annual ...
Overview of Whistleblowing System We have a whistleblowing system in pla...
Respect Human Rights in our supply chain The Nissui Group has been promo...
30 June, 2022 The main updated articles are the bellow. ...
The Nissui Group recognizes the preservation of biodiversity as a vital man...
The Post-disaster BCP Subcommittee, set up under the umbrella of the Busine...
The Nissui Group Quality Assurance Code, based on the concept of quality as...
E-learning Course for Disaster Prevention Education An e-learning course...
Nissui has conducted a resources survey based on the results of the volume ...