Training Sponsored by the Quality Assurance Department Nissui conducts v...
Nissui, with the cooperation of its executives and employees, the Nissui La...
Board Members have a term of office of one year to ensure greater trans...
ASC certification, which is operated by the Aquaculture Stewardship Cou...
The basic corporate stance of Nissui, whose business relies on the bounty o...
In the “Umi & Sakana (ocean and fish)” Children’s Research and Artwork ...
We have established the Ethical Behavior Standards in order to provide clea...
Overview of Whistleblowing System We have a whistleblowing system in pla...
Basic Stance The Nissui Group respects the freedom of association and th...
The Fish Masters’ “Eat Fish Project” The “Eat Fish Project” was star...
Nissui has conducted a resources survey based on the results of the volume ...
Animal Welfare Policy in Aquaculture The Nissui Group, which relies on t...
Acquisition of ISO 14001 Certification The Nissui Group maintains a broa...
Nissui offers employees a full slate of educational and training programs, ...
Activities at Hachioji General Plant Since March 2018, Hachioj...
“Upcycling” means utilizing waste, items no longer needed and other things ...
2024/6/28 The main updates are as below. ...
Food loss and waste refers to food that can still be eaten but is thrown aw...
Salmones Antartica S.A. (“SA”), a subsidiary of the Nissui Group located in...
Recognizing that organizational growth relies on self-direction and action ...