The factory sites receive raw materials and manufacture products. The quali...
Environment Preservation of the "forest, river and sea" The preservat...
Since 2009, Nissui has been taking part in the Cabinet Office’s Cross-minis...
Nissui is going forward with initiatives to change the labeling o...
STEP1. Identification and organization of Societal issues to be address...
Initiatives Linked to Targets of the “Health Japan 21 (the 3rd term)” Strat...
18 July, 2019 A new "Editorial Policy" has been added, and a "Sustainabi...
The Nissui Group aims to have the items that the Nissui Group procures conf...
MEL is a certification scheme to promote the initiatives by producers w...
Basic Approach The Nissui Group states as follows in its Declaration on ...
Our employee engagement survey was first conducted in FY2021 to measure our...
From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual archive of the "...
Nissui Group’s Declaration of Safety In fiscal 2023, the President issue...
We recognize balancing childcare as one of the greatest challenges for long...
State in which BCM (Business Continuity Management) is Thoroughly Implement...
There are eight awards, for which 16 works are selected as winners of the t...
Basic Stance The Nissui Group respects the freedom of association and th...
In the course of implementing initiatives, Nissui are striving to improve o...
Gorton's King & Prince UniSea Sealord Australian Long Line ...
Amid the growing demand for stable employment opportunities for the elderly...
Acquisition of GFSI Certification The Nissui Group is working to strengt...
21 September, 2022 Please see the URL below. Comp...
Saiki City, Oita Prefecture, where the Oita Marine Biological Technology Ce...