The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
In April 2011, Nissui Marine Industries Co., Ltd., a fully-owned subsid...
Nissui Group’s Declaration of Safety In fiscal 2023, the President issue...
We have established the Ethical Behavior Standards in order to provide clea...
Marine litter including plastics is said to originate from the land, mainly...
In fiscal 2020, Nissui established the Container/Packaging Selection Guidel...
Since 2002, Nissui has welcomed Maori individuals starting ...
Nissui is engaged in “Collabo-health (Note)” in collaboration with the Niss...
Salmones Antartica S.A. (“SA”), a subsidiary of the Nissui Group located in...
Within our fishing operations, we actively work at the level of each Group ...
18 July, 2019 A new "Editorial Policy" has been added, and a "Sustainabi...
1) Labeling of food products shall be in accordance with the Food Labeling ...
In many cases, plastic containers and packaging for foods are made by pasti...
Code of Ethics Awareness The Guidelines of Ethical Conduct set out in Ni...
As part of the initiatives for employee health, Nissui recognizes the maint...
Reason System Description Childcare...
The Nissui Group has designated departments in each segment to oversee the ...
Water Use Reduction of Water Use in Production Plant [Reducing Wa...
Since its founding, Nissui has been utilizing its unique technology to turn...
The Nissui Group company, King & Prince Seafood Corp. (USA, “K&P”) ...
1 August, 2019 From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual ...
従業員やビジネスパートナーなどの様々なステークホルダーとの価値協創のため、マルチステークホルダー方針を策定しています。 マルチステークホルダー方...
From 2019, we have published the PDF, which is an annual archive of the "...