The Nissui Group aims to preserve the bountiful sea and improve the sustain...
Renewable Energy We are expanding the use of renewable energy sources ac...
SeaBOS, which stands for Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship, is an init...
Acquisition of RFVS Certification Australian Longline Pty Ltd. (Australi...
Sealord Group Ltd., a Nissui Group company based in New Zealand, is involve...
Reason System Description Childcare...
The Nissui Group Quality Assurance Code, based on the concept of quality as...
Nissui Group’s fundamental approach regarding the problems of marine plasti...
The Internal Audit Department, an organization (with seven members includin...
The Nissui Group has formulated its “Human Rights Policy” based on the unde...
Global concern about plastic marine pollution is driven by its harmful effe...
KPIs for promoting personal health include three points: "smoking rate," "o...
The Human Rights Subcommittee, guided by the “Nissui Group Human Rights Pol...
In Japan, an obligation to recycle waste in the form of “containers” and “p...
The targets and results specified in the long-term vision, “Good Foods 2030...
State in which BCM (Business Continuity Management) is Thoroughly Implement...
18 November, 2019 We have added "Sustainability Report 2019 (Digest Vers...
To evaluate personnel, Nissui has introduced a system called MBO (Note). Tw...
Nissui has a nursing care leave program, in which 10 days of leave per year...
15 September, 2023 Please see the below. Governan...
Connecting Science and Business One of the major features of SeaBOS is t...